Wednesday 14 December 2011

Escaping essays, cheeky taxi's and bopping at Christmas

Once again another topic has been more prominent to write about then what I had planned. Never mind, I'm really excited to tell you all about my day yesterday. It was almost like a treasure hunt. I started the day with a notepad and my purse, and ended the day with a random selection of goodies.

After lecture, St. Mary's College Society had their final college service and lunch of 2011. Every time anyone says to me 'See you in 2012' I get surprised because this is the year I graduate. This is the year I have waited for for such a long time, and now it is nearly upon me...I want time to slow right down. I cannot face the thought I might not have the opportunity to waste a day doing fun things like I did yesterday. Anyway, during this lunch it came to my attention that there were Free Books being given away. I absolutely love books and probably have over 100 to my name. Here is a selection of the ones I managed to nab:


After raiding the books, R and I went to a friends to help him with an essay. To be honest, neither of us could remember much about Kierkegaard's "Parable of the King and Maiden" but hopefully we were somewhat helpful. Another giveaway had come to our attention, but this time it was Stationary. Excited like the stationary geeks we are, we arrived to find not pens, mugs and key rings with the University emblem , but folders, assorted mugs and dividers. However, the most excited find was this old-school radio-cassette which will now sit proudly in my kitchen:


 The wind was once again causing havoc, so instead of returning to our houses, we went for coffee at Mitchells Deli. It was lovely, and R's hot chocolate looked too delicious to eat!

To continue with our beverage-themed day, we then met the rest of St. Mary's committee at the West Port which I highly recommend for it's chips and cocktails (classic student combo). By this point the weather was not acceptable to walk home in, especially with my precious radio. Thus we took our first taxi of the day back to R's.

**Brief chilaxing**

Our presence was required back in town for ... wait for it.... FREEBIE WIN 3. Yes, we were off to get some free mulled wine and mince pies. Weather was still bad so another taxi was required. When we arrived, I fancied some Ginger Beer and much amusement was caused with the comical glass 'Ginger Joes' is poured into:

Tuesday evening used to be the notorious for the 'free bop'. Unfortunately this has been cancelled in recent years, until last night when the Christmas Bop was back with full force! .... Or so we hoped. As the following pictures will show, the event was pretty dead until we left at 11:30. The DJ's did not respond to our requests of "complete cheese, please"; "Christmas songs"; "As much 90's cheese as you have, you know like a cheese board", etc. The insistence on a techno/modern club boom-fest was so unlike the Bop of old, and pretty disappointing for the five of us.

Eventually we called it a night, but not before R and I got taxi number 3 back to hers, and proceeded to stay up listening to music and chatting until around 4am.

As I said, I will miss the opportunities to spend my day moving from coffee shop, to bar, to club, and then staying up all night just for the sake of it. HOWEVER I still have 6months left. 6months to enjoy my life as student to the absolute max, and maybe worry about my dissertation when I can find a gap in my social life, rather then the other way round.

BRING ON 2012! 

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